An idle mind is the devil's playground... and now here's proof! And what better way to travel than by hot air balloon! Thanks to Russell Manning from Dallas, TX for this contribution.
Bird #3 from Dread's wayward flock has returned and this fine feathered fellow brings back tales of skivvies, screaming, and folks not quite naked as a jay bird... very nice, thanks Dr. Brignone! Dr. B. has his own mail art call currently underway, visit for details!
Another of Dread's wayward flock has found its way home. This time from R. F. Cote in Canada. This bird brought an invitation to join another mail art project, see for yourself at
The good pirate Dread released a flock of his favorite feathered friends out into the world and has been waiting to see when they might return and what their journey back might do for them. Well the first has arrived after a stop with the Rev. Hugo Porcaro Jr. of St. Petersburg.
Ok you have stumped your cruise director... this item truely is from somewhere else! This shoe has traveled far and wide to arrive at the menagerie... with stamps from france and portugal I must admit I'm not 100% sure where it came from but I do know where it is now! Thanks for this puzzling piece!
Every journey is like a flip of a coin! The coin was tossed and this card has landed in the menagerie. How did you know that Dread's cat loves to chew his dirty flip flops when he returns home?
A pair of cosmically charged cards arrived today direct from Germany! Exhuberant and expressive, The Pirate Dread was thrilled to have a morning paper, breakfast, and a lovely dining companion to share them with. Thank you! Visit their website and test your german language skills :)
Look at this charming fellow who found his way into the menagerie! Thank you to David Berube for helping him get here! See a collection of fine Berube Bugs online at
Well this kind card was created in honor of your cruise director's birthday... if only I had turned 9 on 9/9/09 that would have been really spectacular... even so these suggestions on ways to celebrate to the 9th degree are great!
Thanks to the good Italian Dr. Brignone for this ultra hip report on fashions abroad... so hippo it hurts? All joking aside, I love the connection between the subtle peach tones on the hippo and in the charming ball gown and all throughout the card. Very nice!
The Crafty Hag is Coralette Damme-an artist formerly located in St. Petersburg, FL who has recently returned to familiar turf in St. Paul, MN. Her work is primarily focused on linoleum block printmaking techniques. She draws inspiration from nature, traditions, and folk lore.