Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Adamandia Kapsalis--Chicago, Illinois USA

An add and pass and a fluxus pack all found their way to our mail box! Time to put these fun things back out in to the big world of mail art and passed on to the next lucky recipient!

Heike Sackmann--Winnenden, Germany

This ship of fools sailed all the way from Germany!

Svetlana Pesetskaya--Taganrog, Russia

More Russian Zombie Book Exchange Mail Art! It's an invasion!

Victoria Barvenko--Taganrog, Russia

Mail art from Russia with Love! Make that, with special digital zombie love in fact! shown is a sample pages from book received as part of a zombie exchange.

I'm a Superhero -- Iowa City, Iowa USA

Groovy digital art from an Iowan Superhero!

Don't forget to send your zombie mail art to: Mail of the Living Dead, 1234 Sandusky Dr., Iowa City, IA 52240 and visit

Simon Warren -- London, United Kingdom

A Jumbo Book! No need for a magnifying glass here! Can't wait to read this missive from across the pond...

Laura H. -- Saint Petersburg, FL USA

You'll get no argument here! Rubber Stamp art does indeed rock!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dylan H.--St. Petersburg, Florida USA

A young man after my own heart...

Mooncat--Missoula, Montana USA

creativity blossoms!

David Aronson-- W.G. Pennsylvania, USA

Is it a dream? a nightmare? or only mail art...

L Hensley--St. Petersburg, Florida USA

zen with a touch of rainbow

Svetlana Pesetskaya--Taganrog, Russia

A modern twist on an old scene all the way from Russia with love!

Hugo Porcaro--Gulfport, Florida USA

Interactive Book of Junk making art around the world!

Cassandra Lesar--Tampa, Florida USA

Nice composite drawing--mask, butterfly, owl? Mirror.

Caroll Woods -- Menlo Park, California USA

Perhaps arrived too late for Halloween, but posted just in time for New Years... better late than never!

Neil Gordon--Wetherfield, Connecticut USA

Oh yes we can IS zen!

Neil Gordon--Wetherfield, Connecticut USA

Oh yes we can IS zen!

Deb Wilson -- Mt. Vernon, Illinois USA

Knot the Key? then what is?
thanks for the 100% pure mail art advice!

Bifidus Jones -- St. Paul, Minnesota USA

Who goes there? The Rhythm Keeper! Keep going...

Eddie Nero---Eugene, Oregon USA

I have my eye on some mail art from Eddie Nero!